Author Paul - BFD Staff

Reviews thundershirt-stress-relief-for-dogs
Thundershirt Review – Drug Free Anxiety Treatment For Dogs

The Thundershirt is touted as a new drug free treatment to help reactive dogs deal with stressful situations, but is the Thundershirt really the miracle cure the hype would make you believe? If you are a pet owner struggling with a reactive dog or nervous cat, then you will have undoubtedly seen the adverts online for the Thundershirt. Marketed as a revolutionary and drug free treatment to help your pet deal with fear and anxiety,…

Reviews dog food
7 Things To Look For When Buying Dog Food

How picky are you when choosing your dog food? Do you spend as much time thinking about their nutritional needs as you do your own? If not, you could be making a big mistake and your dog may not be getting the nutrition they need to remain healthy.Feeding your dog a high quality food will have multiple benefits:Their coat will be healthy and shiny.His immune system will remain strong.Her digestive system will remain healthy.The options available when…

Dog Travel 7-tips-for-traveling-safely-with-a-dog
7 Tips For Safely Traveling In A Car With a Dog

Taking a dog on a car ride can go one of two ways.  You can have him running around, hanging out the window, running by your feet – or you can use these 7 tips to keep you both safe upon arrival. Onto The 7 Tips For Traveling Safely In a Car With Your Dog 1. Secure your dog in the car. There are four main ways to safely secure your dog to the car. Dog…

The All-Time Best Allergy Medicine for Dogs

Does Your Pooch Need Relief From Incessant Allergy-Related Scratching?  Don’t Know Which Allergy Medicine for Dogs to Give Him? Here’s a guide to what’s safe, what’s effective, and what’s the most-recommended allergy medicine for dogs. Allergies strike your dog when his immune system goes into overdrive, “protecting” him from things which frankly aren’t really a danger.  When allergies make themselves known on your Best Friend, suddenly things like pollen, dust, or smoke turn your dog…

Allergies Dog Eczema
What to Do if Dog Eczema Explodes Onto the Scene in Your Dog’s Life

Dog Eczema, Allergies, & Mange..Oh My! One moment your dog is fine.  Then suddenly his skin is a large, bleeding mess…is it dog eczema, allergies, or what? If you’ve read any of our articles on dog allergies, you’ll know by now that dogs react to allergies, stress, and other health issues differently than humans. Namely, they scratch! Since you’re reading this, let’s assume you’re a caring, loving, attentive dog owner who wants to do right by…

Allergies Holistic Dog Skin Allergy Treatment
How To Treat Dog Skin Allergies Holistically

Not sure antibiotics are the right way to treat dog skin allergies? Try a holistic approach. Before you resort to pharmaceuticals, try searching for the root cause of your dog’s skin allergies. Dogs who scratch and scratch away at themselves until they get hot spots, infections, and near-constant misery need help.  They need to see a vet. Beyond that, there is something more you can do for your dog’s skin allergies and that’s to work with…

Allergies Top 7 Reasons For Skin Allergies In Dogs
Top 7 Sources of Skin Allergies in Dogs

Is there any way to easily diagnose skin allergies in dogs? Pet skin problems keep most vets busy, but skin allergies in dogs may just top the list for most common reason dog owners make visits to the vet. Allergies are slightly mysterious, even in people, where the allergy sufferer can communicate his or her discomfort and help pin down probable causes of allergic reactions. But imagine your dog one day breaks out in skin allergies- the…

Allergies Allergy Symptoms In Dogs
How to Tell The Difference Between Allergy Symptoms in Dogs and Mange

Many dog owners wonder: “Is it Mange or Hot Spots from Allergy Symptoms in Dogs?” Here’s a Sure-Fire Way to Tell the Difference Between These 2 Conditions: One is Common and the Other is Serious It’s always a proud dog-owner moment when people notice how beautiful and shiny your dog’s coat is.  Indeed, a thick, healthy coat of fur is one way to know  dog is at least in general good health. So imagine the…

Allergies Allergies In Dogs
Is Scratching a Sign of Allergies in Dogs

Dogs may get allergies just like humans do, but their symptoms are different. Here’s How to Spot Allergies in Dogs Scratching often and sometimes with vigor is a normal part of every dog’s life…or is it? What if scratching is a sign of something other than ordinary, healthy behavior? Dog Scratching 101 Dog owners know their dogs scratch for a multitude of mysterious reasons (scratching the floor before lying down, for one) but it’s important…

Are all Purebreds Prone to Allergies

This is a follow-up article to “Are Purebred Dogs More Likely to Have Allergies?”, an article we ran last week. Purebred Dogs & Allergies, a Recap In our last article on dogs and allergies, it was mentioned that the logistics of breeding sometimes cause unwanted traits to be passed down through the genetic pool, sometimes resulting in allergies in purebred dogs. While that remains true, it’s also true that not all breeders are alike. Consequently,…

What to Do When You Have a Tick Head Stuck In Dog

You’ve followed proper procedures, but sill ended up with the tick head stuck in your dog…here’s what to do next. Sometimes, try as we might, tick removal doesn’t go as planned. The body gets crushed, you nip your dog with the tweezers, or the worst case: the tick head stuck in the dog. If you’ve tried to remove the tick from your dog but the head’s still buried in the skin, here’s what you should…

The Truth About Tick Prevention for Dogs

Removing ticks is essential for maintaining a healthy dog, but preventing tick bites in the first place is key.  Here’s a handy guide to everything you need to know about tick prevention for dogs. The first thing to remember about preventing ticks on dogs is that no solution is perfect. There are issues with all tick prevention products (as explained below), however; they all help in one way or another. Tick and flea collars work…

How to Remove a Tick From a Dog in 4 Easy Steps

Spring has sprung, and along with it the likelihood that your dog will pick up a tick here and there as he enjoys the great outdoors. Keep a sharp eye out for this. These tiny predators will bury themselves in your dog’s hair, clamping onto his skin at the root and wreaking all kinds of havoc on your dog’s health (ticks carry pathogens). These uninvited guests must be removed or there could be issues further…

Here’s Something You Can Do Right Now for Your Dog’s Anxiety

For dogs, anxiety comes in many forms. It can mean excessive drooling for one while another will jump every time somebody turns on the water faucet, or runs the dishwasher, or a thousand other daily activities that make anxiety-ridden dogs lose their calm. Some dogs simply do not react properly to strangers and visitors to your house. That’s yet another sign of anxiety. Whatever the case my be for your dog, it’s embarrassing and unpleasant.…

Anxiety Nervous Dog
Why is Your Dog Nervous

It’s no joke: dogs suffer anxiety just like people do. And just like in people, anxiety can manifest itself in dozens of different ways. Maybe your dog flies off the handle when the doorbell rings. Maybe he even loses it when people merely walk by on the sidewalk. Or maybe your dog growls inappropriately, like when a friendly stranger reaches out to pet him. Noise phobias anyone? While it’s pretty easy to identify the signs…

Allergies Dog allergies in pure breed dogs
Are Purebred Dogs More Likely to Have Allergies

As a nation, we love our dogs…especially the purebred varieties. Who can resist the adorable face of an American Cocker Spaniel, the elegant grace of an Italian Greyhound, or the fancy looks of a Shar Pei? Of course as different looking as they are, all these dog breeds come from a common ancestor. It’s only through a very careful and selective process of breeding have these varieties of dogs come about. Keeping the lines pure…

What You Need to Know About Dog Food Allergies in Dogs

Does Your Dog Have a Dog Food Allergy? Dogs are alike in many ways, but one thing we all know is that they love to scratch. But when your dog’s scratching becomes obsessive or noticeably harmful resulting in hot spots or bald patches of irritated skin, there’s something different going on. It’s more than a simple scratch here and’s either dry skin or allergies. Either way, you can bet your dog’s diet plays a…

Allergies For Dogs Have Reached Epidemic Proportions

If you own a dog, there’s a fifty-fifty chance he has allergies. From fleas to dust to food, allergies are the second most common reason U.S. dogs visit the vet. With almost 70 million dogs in the country, that’s a lot of allergy-induced scratching! If you had a dog as a kid, then you may wonder why you can’t remember any allergies for dogs, visits to the vet, or excessive scratching. That’s because earlier generations…

3 Easy Ways to Help Your Pet Tackle Allergies

…without resorting to steroids, Benadryl, & other scary treatments with negative side effects Browse the allergy section at any drugstore and and you’ll find shelves full of chemical-laden products that leave you with annoying and sometimes even dangerous side effects. Well it’s the same for pets. When allergies bring them down, they want allergy relief too but given a choice, could probably do without the negative side effects that come with taking strong drugs. Besides,…

Reviews Pet Medical Insurance
The Truth About Pet Medical Insurance

Does Your Pet Need Medical Insurance? How to Decide If you’re a pet owner, it’s a sure bet that you’ve run across the idea of buying pet insurance at least one time or another. And if you’re like most people, you probably thought it sounded good at the time but didn’t look into it because you had a thousand other things competing for your attention. But the question still remains: should you get pet insurance?…

Dog Hives
How to Treat and Identify Hives on Dogs

When your dog has hives on the skin, this is simply an allergic reaction caused by the overproduction of antibodies. This reaction causes a swelling of blood cells and surrounding tissue, and can be caused by numerous sources either absorbed or inhaled in the body. Identifying the source of the reaction is a good way to protect him from similar outbreaks. Whether your dog is stung by an insect, has eaten something he is allergic…

Can You Give A Dog Benadryl Can you give a dog benadryl for a long car ride
Can You Give A Dog Benadryl For Long Car Rides

Dogs, much the same as some humans can suffer from motion sickness. Especially on long tedious car rides, where surroundings are unfamiliar. Dogs typically are very territorial and many feel most comfortable in surroundings they know. They become accustomed to daily routines much the same as we humans do. Long car rides, routine daily schedules that have changed, unfamiliar surroundings, and much more, can cause your dog to be a nervous wreck. An obvious side…

Homemade Dog Shampoo
Homemade Dry Dog Shampoo

Did you know you need to keep your pet clean between actual bathings? Unlike humans, our dogs only receive baths periodically. Because of this reason, it’s critical to keep their coats in good shape by using a homemade dry dog shampoo. Don’t freak out, they are extremely easy to make, like most homemade dog shampoo is. You basically have 3 proven options at your fingertips. First – You can use Calcium Carbonate. Second – You…

Homemade Dog Shampoo
Organic Homemade Dog Shampoo

As we all become more aware of how harmful chemicals can be to ourself and our pets, we start to look into things like organic homemade dog shampoo.  You have a couple options, the one I’m going to discuss will ensure you know exactly what goes into your shampoo. Option 1 – Buy your organic dog shampoo Option 2 – Make your own organic dog shampoo Making your own requires a little more work, but…

Homemade Dog Shampoo
Oatmeal Shampoo For Dogs

Underneath your sink and in your cabinets lies an undeniable truth about homemade dog shampoo. You can create some amazing oatmeal shampoo for dogs.  Why would you want to use a shampoo that contains oatmeal you ask?  There are multiple reasons but basically you save a ton of money, get a great coat and an awesome smelling pooch. You won’t believe how easy this oatmeal shampoo for dogs recipe is…. 1 Cup of Oatmeal 1…

Homemade Dog Shampoo
Homemade Flea Shampoo

Getting rid of fleas on your dog is one of the most frustrating things a dog owner faces. It seems like an endless loop of expensive treatments, dips, flea shampoos, collars and countless other gimmicks to get rid of the pesky creatures.  Well next time you try to get rid of them try the following homemade flea shampoo and see if it helps. In all reality the first and possibly best homemade flea shampoo for…

Bee Stings
Puppy Bee Sting Symptoms and Treatments

Your puppy is brand new to the world and is a bundle of energy. Most times they run around the backyard or park investigating everything new in their little world. This curiosity can sometimes get them into trouble. Your puppy is not aware that a fly and a bee sting differently, and many times they simply are playing when they jump into a bush or plant to see what all that buzzing is about. The…

Bee Stings How To Identify A bee Sting Reaction Quickly
How To Identify A Bee Sting Reaction Quickly

Every dog will react different when it is stung by a bee. Some dogs have a little discomfort and will simply howl and itch for a short period, while others could have a severe reaction that could be deadly. The dogs curious nature causes them to get stung mostly on the nose, on the head and in the mouth. If you see your dog get bit by a bee, your first job it to locate…

Bee Stings
Can Dogs Get Stung By Bees

Your dog is a very inquisitive creature who has to get his nose into everything. A bee will not search out your dog to sting because the bee realizes that the dog is often thousands of times larger, and the bee has much more important work to be doing. Most bees will avoid a dog at all costs, and many times will only attack if provoked. The dog wants to investigate everything, and sticking their…

Bee Stings treating bee stings in dogs effectively
Treating Bee Stings In Dogs Effectively

When a dog is stung by a bee they tend to have the same types of reactions that a person would have. The infected area is very painful and begins to swell, and depending on the amount of venom either can have a severe allergic reaction to the sting. The only difference between a dog getting bitten and a person is that the person can give you detailed information on how they feel and exactly…

Bee Stings Treating a bee sting in a dog's mouth
Treatment For a Bee Sting in Dogs Mouth

Your dog is a very curious animal and everything near your home has to be explored. When your dog sees something in the bushes or shrubbery moving, immediately they stick their nose and face in to investigate. Many times your pet interrupts a bee who is busy doing his own thing, and the result is a bee sting. When your dog is nosing around in a bush many times the bee can enter his mouth…

Dog Hives
Can Dogs Get Hives From Only Getting Stung

Your dog can get hives just from getting stung by insects like bees and wasps, however that is not the only way your dog can get hives. Hives usually appear on your dogs skin as small circular bumps that are the result of an allergic reaction. You can see your dogs fur begin to raise in areas where the hives are breaking through the skin. Your dogs immune system is reacting to something that is…

Dog Hives
What Do I Do When My Dog Has Hives

When your dog has hives the owner goes through an emotional period of stress just like the dog is going through. Your dog is having a rough go at it, and the biting and scratching is rubbing the area raw and causing his skin to bleed. You first need to remain calm. The best way to calm yourself down is to realize that most cases of hives on the dog last one day, so it…

Dog Hives
7 Tips for Treating Hives in Dogs

The causes of hives in dogs can range from something he ingested to something that came in contact with his skin and was absorbed into the body. Medications and vaccinations are also responsible for causing a dog to have an allergic reaction and break out in hives. These hives only last for a very short period of time but if your dog is uncomfortable and itches at them all day, you will be presented with…

Dog Hives
The Facts About Dog Hives

When your dog is stung by a bee or comes in contact with a substance that he is allergic to, his skin can breakout in what is called hives. Dog hives are small circular protrusions on the skin that can appear just about anywhere on your dogs body. In the case of a bee sting, the hives usually are found in close relation to where the stinger entered the body. In the case of your…

Dog Hives
Ease Your Dogs Pain With A Simple Dog Hives Treatment

The reason you want to find a simple dog hives treatment is because your dog will try to bite at them until they bleed, which will cause further complications down the road. You want to let the hives heal themselves and within a day they will disappear. The best thing you can do for your dog is to try and identify the source that is causing your dog to breakout. Pay close attention to what…

Dog Hives
4 ways to comfort a dog with hives

When your dog gets hives it could originate from a number of sources. He may have eaten something that caused the allergic reaction. He could have gotten stung by a wasp, a bee or bitten by an insect. Your dog could have had a reaction to a shampoo that you recently bought. You could have recently seen the veterinarian and one of the vaccines or medication caused him to break out in hives. No matter…

Hot Spots
Tips For Preventing Chronic Dog Hot Spots

Superficial pyoderma or pyotraumatic dermatitis popularly known as dog hot spots refer to infected or inflamed skin on dogs. Like humans, dogs also get skin infections and ailments. Chronic dog hot spots are a good example of common skin infections affecting dogs. The skin infection causes skin irritation which begins with a scratch, itch or lick and then results in a wet scab. If a dog repeatedly licks, chews or scratches that very spot, the…

Bee Stings
Dogs and Bee Stings

Like humans, while the majority of dogs will not have a reaction to bee, wasp, yellow jacket or hornet stings some dogs may be allergic. Dogs and bee stings don’t mix and it is important to treat your pet promptly and correct if it is stung. Due to their playful and adventurous nature, dogs are more likely to be stung by bees than humans. Bee stings can have serious consequences and in some cases can…

Bee Stings
Can A Dog Bee Sting Be Deadly

Dogs are a very curious breed of animal and they love to get their noses in places they do not belong. Your dog will chase bees and wasps our of curiosity, and many times these insects will sting trying to defend themselves. If your dog was stung in the face, ears or nose, you may notice an initial swelling to the area. Of course your initial reaction is going to be, can a dog bee…

Hot Spots
Treating Acute Hot Spots On Dogs

If you love your dog, then seeing him in pain or uncomfortable, is not a pleasant sight. Hot spots are one of the things that tend to make dogs uncomfortable. A hot spot is a warm, swollen, painful and itchy patch that manifests itself on the skin of the dog. This condition can occur in any part of the skin, it causes the pet to scratch, rub or chew on the wound. If care is…

Hot Spots
How To Prevent Chronic Dog Hot Spots

Like humans, dogs are prone to all sorts of infections and ailments. Chronic dog hot spots are one of those infections that can be a menace to your pet. A dog hot spot or moist eczema is that skin irritation that begins when your dog gets an itch, scratches and licks it a lot resulting in the formation of a wet scab. If the dog keeps chewing, scratching or licking that very spot, it becomes…

Hot Spots
Treatment Options For Hot Spots On Dogs

Hot spots are common self-inflicted wounds that occur when a dog consistently scratches, licks or chews on the skin. If you notice your dog has a hot spot, be sure to take him to a veterinarian immediately. The longer you wait, the more infected the lesion may become. To care for your dog’s hot spots, the vet will: Shave or clip the infected area – This will allow air to the sore which…

Hot Spots
The Impact Of Hot Spots On Elderly Dogs

Older dogs are affected more by certain disorders. Those susceptible to hot spots are no different. Hot spots, also known as Pyotramatic, Acute Moist Dermatitis, Moist Eczema or Summer Sores, are common wounds that occur when a dog consistently scratches, licks or chews on the skin. These sores can appear anywhere on the body and are sensitive, painful and itchy. The lesions will commonly be red and moist with pus and will leave the dog…

Can You Give A Dog Benadryl Can dogs have benadryl
Can Dogs Have Benadryl

If you’re like most dog lovers you want to make sure your canine is cared for properly if they’re in need of medical attention.  Our first piece of advice here at benadryl for dogs is to always check with your vet before administering care at home.  With that being said, we’ll tackle the question of can dogs have benadryl? The short answer is yes, and here’s our benadryl for dogs dosage chart to show you…

Hot Spots
The Best Way to Cure Hot Spots on Dogs

The most common health concern in dogs is skin disorders. Hot spots are particularly common, and they can be easily treated if done so immediately. A hot spot is a self-inflicted wound caused by compulsive itching, biting or licking of an area of the skin that is irritated. Skin irritation can be caused by environmental or food allergies; poor diet; prior wounds; behavioral issues such as stress, boredom or anxiety; neglectful grooming; fleas and other…

Hot Spots
What Causes Hot Spots On Dogs

Lesions, also known as hot spots, can appear on your dog’s body suddenly. The location can be random and their rapid growth can be astonishing. But what are these inflamed patches of raw skin, and why do they appear? One way of detecting if there is any sort of skin irritation is if your dog persistently scratches, chews, or licks any part of his or her skin. If this continues, the dog will begin to…

Hot Spots
Relieve Hot Spots On Dogs With Proper Nutrition

Moist red sores, also known as hot spots, are common occurrences found on dogs. Such irritations can become painful and infected. Feeding your dog a balanced and healthy diet is one of the ways to avoid these pesky lesions. A well-balanced diet can decrease skin problems such as hot spots. The food your dog digests not only benefits their internal organs, but their skin and coat as well. Knowing what type of kibble to feed…

Can You Give A Dog Benadryl Can you give a dog benadryl if they are a puppy
Can You Give a Dog Benadryl if They are a Puppy

Puppies are the most playful, beautiful creature in our homes. There curiosity about everything will have them chasing after everything moving or bright in the house or within your backyard. While young the immunity system of these puppies is usually very low making them very much in danger of getting sick, so they need special care. While playing in the backyard they may stumble onto a bee and start chasing it and end up getting…

Can You Give A Dog Benadryl Can you give a dog benadryl if they are on other medication
Can you give a dog benadryl that’s on other medication

What is Benadryl? Benadryl or Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride is a popular allergy medicine. Benadryl is used to alleviate allergy symptoms. It is also used to relieve the discomfort got from insect stings. In some countries it is sold as a remedy for cough. The medicine can induce calming effect. The medicine is prohibited in countries like Zambia. It is sold as an over the counter drug. Why is Benadryl given to dogs? Benadryl is usually given…

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