Thank You For Signing Up

Thank you for signing up to our newsletter and requesting our free Dog Allergy Report.

Your readership is very important to us, and as such I want to make sure we are up front about what you can expect from the newsletter.

  1. You will receive an email anytime we post a new article on the site.
  2. You will receive an email anytime we create a new report or special piece of content.
  3. You will receive occasional promotional emails if we see something worthy of passing along.
  4. You will receive an email if we have anything exciting to announce with regards to the site.

We understand many of you simply want the free report and have no interest in being on our mailing list.  While we want you as a subscriber, we never want to be a burden if you don’t want to receive our emails.  That’s why at the bottom of every email we provide an “unsubscribe link” so you can opt-out of our emails anytime you’d like.

We also think it’s important we tell you where we’re going with the site since you’re one of our most engaged visitors.  Our focus is transitioning to more a natural, holistic approach to helping with your pet care.

Well, thanks for reading and we’re so pleased you’ve signed up to our newsletter.  Be sure to check your email for the free report.  Enjoy!

If you’re interested in trying out some natural alternatives to help with your dog’s allergies.  Give the three below a shot.

Natural Pet Pharmaceuticals Allergies Homeopathic

Health Concerns Skin Balance

Integrative Therapeutics Inflamzyme