Benadryl For Dogs
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You may have heard that some over the counter medications for people, such as antihistamines, are safe for dogs to use. What do you need to know about using an antihistamine for dogs before using one on your own dog? Are they safe? What are the common uses? Which one should you use for your dog? How do you dose it? You should always discuss over the counter medication use with your veterinarian first. Here’s a brief rundown of everything you need to know about using an antihistamine for dogs so that you can talk to your vet about whether…

Benadryl is a medicine that contains antihistamine called dyphenhydramine. Antihistamine in Benadryl blocks histamine and allergens to stop allergic cough, runny nose, sneezing, hives, hay fever, itching, watery eyes, rashes, asthma and other symptoms of allergies in human. Don’t you know that it does the same thing with your dog best friend? Veterinarians approved the use of Benadryl for dogs for the treatment of insect bites, skin irritation, hay fever, runny nose, coughing, sneezing, eye…

When a dog is stung by a bee they tend to have the same types of reactions that a person would have. The infected area is very painful and begins to swell, and depending on the amount of venom either can have a severe allergic reaction to the sting. The only difference between a dog getting bitten and a person is that the person can give you detailed information on how they feel and exactly…

While technically not a sleeping medication Benadryl is often used to aid in sleep. Believe or not some dogs suffer from insomnia. Luckily you can use Benadryl for dogs who won’t sleep helping the dog and yourself. and since Benadryl is an over-the-counter medication it’s relatively safe in almost all situations. It comes down to just getting the right dose, and using it for the right amount of time so you’re not putting your dog…

Like humans, while the majority of dogs will not have a reaction to bee, wasp, yellow jacket or hornet stings some dogs may be allergic. Dogs and bee stings don’t mix and it is important to treat your pet promptly and correct if it is stung. Due to their playful and adventurous nature, dogs are more likely to be stung by bees than humans. Bee stings can have serious consequences and in some cases can…

Did you know that dogs have anxiety problems just like humans? Did you know you can use benadryl for dog’s anxiety? A lot of the times it goes unnoticed because we think just because her dogs that have emotions like we do. That’s just silly. However, Benadryl isn’t the only option. If you’re looking for something more natural or specifically for dogs try this. Dogs are happy, sad, anxious just like human beings depending on…

Your dog is a very inquisitive creature who has to get his nose into everything. A bee will not search out your dog to sting because the bee realizes that the dog is often thousands of times larger, and the bee has much more important work to be doing. Most bees will avoid a dog at all costs, and many times will only attack if provoked. The dog wants to investigate everything, and sticking their…

The reason you want to find a simple dog hives treatment is because your dog will try to bite at them until they bleed, which will cause further complications down the road. You want to let the hives heal themselves and within a day they will disappear. The best thing you can do for your dog is to try and identify the source that is causing your dog to breakout. Pay close attention to what…

Dogs are playful creatures and they love rolling around, exploring the backyard and running all over your backyard while chasing moving objects or creatures. This playfulness can be detrimental as they may encounter a bee and start running after it, trying to catch it and end up getting stung. A dog bee sting is painful and the first sign you will note is the dog will be scratching it self in the stung area and…

Dogs are a very curious breed of animal and they love to get their noses in places they do not belong. Your dog will chase bees and wasps our of curiosity, and many times these insects will sting trying to defend themselves. If your dog was stung in the face, ears or nose, you may notice an initial swelling to the area. Of course your initial reaction is going to be, can a dog bee…

Your puppy is brand new to the world and is a bundle of energy. Most times they run around the backyard or park investigating everything new in their little world. This curiosity can sometimes get them into trouble. Your puppy is not aware that a fly and a bee sting differently, and many times they simply are playing when they jump into a bush or plant to see what all that buzzing is about. The…

The Thundershirt is touted as a new drug free treatment to help reactive dogs deal with stressful situations, but is the Thundershirt really the miracle cure the hype would make you believe? If you are a pet owner struggling with a reactive dog or nervous cat, then you will have undoubtedly seen the adverts online for the Thundershirt. Marketed as a revolutionary and drug free treatment to help your pet deal with fear and anxiety,…

How picky are you when choosing your dog food? Do you spend as much time thinking about their nutritional needs as you do your own? If not, you could be making a big mistake and your dog may not be getting the nutrition they need to remain healthy.Feeding your dog a high quality food will have multiple benefits:Their coat will be healthy and shiny.His immune system will remain strong.Her digestive system will remain healthy.The options available when…

…without resorting to steroids, Benadryl, & other scary treatments with negative side effects Browse the allergy section at any drugstore and and you’ll find shelves full of chemical-laden products that leave you with annoying and sometimes even dangerous side effects. Well it’s the same for pets. When allergies bring them down, they want allergy relief too but given a choice, could probably do without the negative side effects that come with taking strong drugs. Besides,…

Does Your Pet Need Medical Insurance? How to Decide If you’re a pet owner, it’s a sure bet that you’ve run across the idea of buying pet insurance at least one time or another. And if you’re like most people, you probably thought it sounded good at the time but didn’t look into it because you had a thousand other things competing for your attention. But the question still remains: should you get pet insurance?…

Did you know you need to keep your pet clean between actual bathings? Unlike humans, our dogs only receive baths periodically. Because of this reason, it’s critical to keep their coats in good shape by using a homemade dry dog shampoo. Don’t freak out, they are extremely easy to make, like most homemade dog shampoo is. You basically have 3 proven options at your fingertips. First – You can use Calcium Carbonate. Second – You…

As we all become more aware of how harmful chemicals can be to ourself and our pets, we start to look into things like organic homemade dog shampoo. You have a couple options, the one I’m going to discuss will ensure you know exactly what goes into your shampoo. Option 1 – Buy your organic dog shampoo Option 2 – Make your own organic dog shampoo Making your own requires a little more work, but…

Underneath your sink and in your cabinets lies an undeniable truth about homemade dog shampoo. You can create some amazing oatmeal shampoo for dogs. Why would you want to use a shampoo that contains oatmeal you ask? There are multiple reasons but basically you save a ton of money, get a great coat and an awesome smelling pooch. You won’t believe how easy this oatmeal shampoo for dogs recipe is…. 1 Cup of Oatmeal 1…

Getting rid of fleas on your dog is one of the most frustrating things a dog owner faces. It seems like an endless loop of expensive treatments, dips, flea shampoos, collars and countless other gimmicks to get rid of the pesky creatures. Well next time you try to get rid of them try the following homemade flea shampoo and see if it helps. In all reality the first and possibly best homemade flea shampoo for…

Superficial pyoderma or pyotraumatic dermatitis popularly known as dog hot spots refer to infected or inflamed skin on dogs. Like humans, dogs also get skin infections and ailments. Chronic dog hot spots are a good example of common skin infections affecting dogs. The skin infection causes skin irritation which begins with a scratch, itch or lick and then results in a wet scab. If a dog repeatedly licks, chews or scratches that very spot, the…

If you love your dog, then seeing him in pain or uncomfortable, is not a pleasant sight. Hot spots are one of the things that tend to make dogs uncomfortable. A hot spot is a warm, swollen, painful and itchy patch that manifests itself on the skin of the dog. This condition can occur in any part of the skin, it causes the pet to scratch, rub or chew on the wound. If care is…

Benadryl is a very useful over the counter medication for people that can treat a variety of conditions in dogs. These conditions range from allergies to anxiety to motion sickness. While liquid Benadryl for dogs hasn’t been FDA approved, veterinarians across the country recommend it as an effective and safe treatment for several conditions. While the tablet form is ideal for many dogs, it isn’t the right choice for every dog. Here’s what you need…