Author Paul - BFD Staff

Can You Give A Dog Benadryl Will benadryl harm your dog
How Long Can You Give a Dog Benadryl Before Causing Harm

Benadryl for dogs can be helpful to alleviate allergies from flea bites, motion sickness, tremors, anxiety and more. Benadryl for dogs is relatively safe for dogs without causing harm except in certain distinct cases. If your dog suffers from motion sickness, or anxiety; just to mention a few ailments, your veterinarian may recommend Benadryl. Benadryl in low doses is not harmful to your dog unless the dog suffers from a chronic illness such as cardiac…

Benadryl Dosage For Dogs
How Much Benadryl Can I Give My Dog Before Harming Them

Benadryl is a drug usually prescribed in allergies and other similar conditions. Many veterinarians accept this medicine in treating dogs which have allergic reactions that cause itching. That is why it is safe to use this drug when you want to help your dog feel better. Benadryl can be found in every drugstore and you don`t need a prescription to buy it. Being a human- destined drug, Benadryl has to be properly dosed when given…

Benadryl Dosage For Dogs
How much benadryl for a dog with allergies or hives

We are all aware on how annoying hives can be, but of course there are lots of medicines that can get rid of the hives; however, what if your dog experiences hives, would you know what to give them? Dogs can also get hives, but there really isn’t a specific medicine that is made to get rid of only dogs’ hives. Which is why there aren’t many options to choose from when trying to treat…

How Much Benadryl Can I Give My Dog If He Has Trouble Sleeping

How much Benadryl can I give my dog? As insomnia is becoming a big issue in canines, so is this question. There are many reasons why dogs develop insomnia. Like with humans, dogs can also have trouble sleeping due to stress and anxiety. Changes in the home, traveling, or being away from the owners can trigger these issues in your dog. Other health issues in dogs (particularly in elderly canines) are often the underlying cause…

Bee Stings How much benadryl can I give my dog for a bee sting
How Much Benadryl Can I Give My Dog For A Bee Sting

Dogs are playful creatures and they love rolling around, exploring the backyard and running all over your backyard while chasing moving objects or creatures. This playfulness can be detrimental as they may encounter a bee and start running after it, trying to catch it and end up getting stung. A dog bee sting is painful and the first sign you will note is the dog will be scratching it self in the stung area and…

Benadryl Dosage For Dogs
How Much Benadryl Can I Give My Dog To Calm Their Nerves

Some dogs suffer from bouts of anxiety during thunderstorms, travel or when introduced to new surroundings, and their stress levels can be disturbing for both the pets and their owners. Hiding under furniture, shaking uncontrollably, even wetting inside the home are just some of the behaviors that dogs exhibit when they are stressed. Is there anything that can relieve this stress and calm the dog’s nerves? Can Benadryl Help My Dog with Anxiety and Nervousness?…

Can You Give A Dog Benadryl
Pondering Over The Question Can You Give a Dog Benadryl

Going overboard with the usage of any medicine will back fire in all probability and Benadryl is the same. But is benadryl safe for dogs? Different opinions have come up while answering the question, can you give a dog Benadryl. Diphenhydramine Hydochloride, commonly known as Benadryl is a hugely popular human medication to address issues like sneezing, runny nose, itching, watery eyes and it has also been used to control coughs in the human beings.…

Benadryl Dosage For Dogs
Can I Give My Dog Benadryl and How Effective Is It

Dogs have been known to suffer fron different allergies and conditions and like human beings they require treatment through the use of the right kind of medication depending on what they are suffering from. When it comes to allergies, the most commonly used and most effective medication is Benadryl and it is used for both humans and dogs. For this reason, the answer to the most commonly asked question which is, can i give my…

Benadryl Dosage For Dogs
Can I Give My Dog Benadryl For Itching

Benadryl is a highly effective drug for the treatment of allergies and various other conditions. A good number of veterinarians highly recommend it to be used in dogs. So the answer to the frequently asked question, can i give my dog Benadryl is a definite yes. As previously stated, this is a very common question usually directed to veterinarians. This medication whose main ingredient is diphenhydramine works well with dogs and is readily available even…

Can I Give My Dog Benadryl
Answers To The Question Can I Give My Dog Benadryl

A common heard refrain among dog owners is ‘Can I give my dog Benadryl?’ Fortunately the answer is ‘yes’. Benadryl, or diphenhydramine, is a first generation anti-histamine. It is considered to be an extremely safe drug, not only for humans, but also for dogs. All the side effects of Benadryl are well documented and the most common is drowsiness. The other side effects are much rarer and ingesting a lethal dose of Benadryl is extremely…

Can I Give My Dog Benadryl
Can I Give My Dog Benadryl: What About Allergic Reactions

Benadryl is a well-known medication used for the treatment of a number of different ailments. It is readily available and can be purchased in different pharmacies without the need to have a doctor’s prescription. It is important to note that this medication was first produced to treat humans and it was only until later on that it was also used in pets especially dogs for the treatment of a similar ailment in this case being…

Benadryl For Dogs
Benadryl For Dogs Works Just Like It Does For Humans

Benadryl is a medicine that contains antihistamine called dyphenhydramine. Antihistamine in Benadryl blocks histamine and allergens to stop allergic cough, runny nose, sneezing, hives, hay fever, itching, watery eyes, rashes, asthma and other symptoms of allergies in human. Don’t you know that it does the same thing with your dog best friend? Veterinarians approved the use of Benadryl for dogs for the treatment of insect bites, skin irritation, hay fever, runny nose, coughing, sneezing, eye…

Benadryl For Dogs
Benadryl For Dogs That Lick Their Paws

There’s nothing more annoying than a dog that is constantly licking their paws.  If you have a dog that does this you’ve no doubt tried everything under the sun to try and fix it.  One thing you might not have thought of but tends to work very well is using Benadryl for dogs that lick their paws. Why do dogs lick their paws? It’s usually because they’re anxious and that anxiety can come from many…

Benadryl For Dogs
Using Benadryl for Dogs That Won’t Sleep

While technically not a sleeping medication Benadryl is often used to aid in sleep. Believe or not some dogs suffer from insomnia. Luckily you can use Benadryl for dogs who won’t sleep helping the dog and yourself.  and since Benadryl is an over-the-counter medication it’s relatively safe in almost all situations. It comes down to just getting the right dose, and using it for the right amount of time so you’re not putting your dog…

Benadryl For Dogs
Benadryl for Dogs Anxiety

Did you know that dogs have anxiety problems just like humans? Did you know you can use benadryl for dog’s anxiety? A lot of the times it goes unnoticed because we think just because her dogs that have emotions like we do. That’s just silly. However, Benadryl isn’t the only option.  If you’re looking for something more natural or specifically for dogs try this. Dogs are happy, sad, anxious just like human beings depending on…

Benadryl For Dogs
Benadryl For Dogs That Bark

Have you ever been around one of those dogs that bark constantly. You know the kind of talking about the ones the only sleep, one’s neighbors complain about, the ones that make you pull your hair out. What if their owners never thought of giving their dogs Benadryl. Benadryl for dogs has a lot of uses, most people probably don’t realize that could help calm their dog down and minimize barking. Sometimes barking is a…

Benadryl Dosage For Dogs
Benadryl Dosage For Dogs Chart

The general rule of thumb for Benadryl dosage for dogs is 1mg per 1lb of the dog’s weight.  It’s generally safe to give your puppy the medicine 2-3 times/day.  It’s always a good idea not to exceed the maximum dosage of benadryl for your dog. If you find that you’re giving your dog Benadryl for extended periods of time, 2-3 weeks, it’s probably a good idea to get them in to see a vet.  Below…