Can you give a dog benadryl that’s on other medication


What is Benadryl?

Benadryl or Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride is a popular allergy medicine. Benadryl is used to alleviate allergy symptoms. It is also used to relieve the discomfort got from insect stings. In some countries it is sold as a remedy for cough. The medicine can induce calming effect. The medicine is prohibited in countries like Zambia. It is sold as an over the counter drug.

Why is Benadryl given to dogs?

Benadryl is usually given to dogs which suffer from insect stings, flea bite, anxiety, irritation, snake bites, ear or eye infection, car sickness, skin irritation, itching, vaccination side effects, asthma, allergy from dust or pollen, cold, hay fever, cough, sneeze, muscle tremor and bodily knots. The medicine is absorbed quickly and gives relief.

When should Benadryl be avoided?

Benadryl is a medicine which has side effects like sedation. Therefore one has to be careful while giving the medicine to dogs which suffer from other health conditions. The veterinarian should be consulted before giving Benadryl to the pet if it is being given other medicines.

Dogs which suffer from diseases like glaucoma, hyperthyroidism, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, urinary obstruction and prostatic disease should not be given Benadryl. The medicine can trigger symptoms and aggravate the latent disease. Pregnant or nursing dogs should not be given Benadryl.

Puppies should not be given Benadryl. The veterinarian should be consulted if the puppy suffers from insect stings, allergies or other discomforts. Children’s version also should not be given to puppies.

Benadryl which contains ingredients meant for cold or sinus should not be given to dogs. It is not safe for the pet.

Benadryl in liquid form contains alcohol content which is dangerous for dogs and other animals also. Children’s Benadryl is free from alcohol and sugar but has sodium. Sodium is harmful to dogs with health problems.

Benadryl should not be given along with decongestants or painkillers. The medicines will act together and can be fatal for the pet. However it is all right to give Benadryl to dogs which are being given flea and heart worm tablets or steroids provided the medicines should not be given at a single time. It is wise to consult the vet before giving Benadryl if the dog has had other diseases in the past. The dosage should not surpass the prescribed level. Over dosage could lead to severe side effects. It is better to measure and give the medicine.

Many people will advise about giving test doses of Benadryl to dogs. Healthy dogs will not have any problems but the dogs which are aging and those suffering from other conditions may suffer from side effects. So, it is better to consult the veterinary doctor before doing the trial and error method.

How to give Benadryl to dogs?

The medicine can be powered and mixed with the dog food. Liquid gel capsules also can be mixed with the food. A sensitive dog may be able to notice the difference but the medicine can be masked in a tasty treat if needed. Other options include suppository or injections.

What is the Benadryl dosage for dogs?

The dosage is determined by weight and age of the dog. This is important when it comes to whether can you give a dog benadryl or not. It can be given at the rate of one milligram per one pound. The medicine can be given once in eight hours three times a day. A dog which weighs less than thirty pounds should be given 10mg of Benadryl. A medium size dog which weighs between thirty and fifty pounds should be given 25mg. A large dog which weighs above fifty pounds should be given 50mg of Benadryl. It is however wise to consult the veterinary doctor before deciding the dosage.

What are the side effects of Benadryl on dogs?

The side effects include dry mouth, diarrhea, urinary retention, breathing problems, vomiting, drowsiness, lack of appetite and disorientation. The vet should be contacted immediately if the pet shows signs of discomfort. Remember never to give Benadryl along with other medicines.


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